You can order from TapConnex only via the website:
When you place an order for any product(s), you are buying the product(s) at the price stated at the time of order, subject to the following terms.
When you place your order we will send you an email to confirm that we have received your order. This email is produced automatically and confirms the details that you have given us. It is a receipt of order but it is not confirmation that we can fulfil the order. If we cannot for any reason fulfil the order we will contact you directly. The delivery time can depend on the service specified at the checkout.
TapConnex may cancel any sale and not supply products if it is reasonable to do so and may change or discontinue the availability of products at any time.
Prices on the website are in GBP.
International shipping may be available to selected locations outside of the UK. You are responsible for the disclosure and payment of any import duties and other taxes which may apply when the product(s) are delivered.
We accept payment via PayPal, Apple Pay/Google Pay and card payments processed via Stripe.
TapConnex cannot be held responsible for any bank or PayPal charges you may incur, please check before making your purchase.
Contact Information
The website is operated by TapConnex
TapConnex registered trading address:
Workspace House (TapConnex),
28/29 Maxwell Road,
PE2 7JE,
General email: